Monday, March 17, 2008

Star Wars: The Clone Wars

This past week, George Lucas made an appearance at the annual movie convention, ShoWest to show show off some footage from his latest installment into the Star Wars mythology. Known as Star Wars: The Clone Wars, not to be mistaken with the previous 2-D animated TV series similarly-named Star Wars: Clone Wars. The all-new 3-D animated Star Wars: The Clone Wars is set to kick off with a full-length feature film set be released in theaters this August and then fully developed into a syndicated television series later this Fall. The story is set to take place between episodes II and III of the prequel trilogy and so far only Anthony Daniels and Matthew Wood are set to reprise their roles as C-3PO and General Grevious. Hot on the heels of this Star Wars fan-service is a live action series set to appear in 2009 with an emphasis on galactic bounty hunter Boba Fett. Characters from the previous films are also set to make appearances, including the likes of Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi, Senator Bail Organa, Yoda, and Chewbacca played by their actors from the prequels. Never-before-seen in live-action anti-hero Quinlan Vos is also set to play a role in the story. I have to admit that I feel that the Star Wars franchise is being milked dry, but the live-action series does intrigue me. Apparently it will have the same quality as the prequel trilogy, let's just hope they're only talking about the special effects... We'll have to wait a few months before we hear anything solid on the live-action TV series, but in the meantime, take a look at the following preview that was shown at ShowWest:

1 comment:

Xenoslayer33 said...

After watching that, I have to say that I'm a bit underwhelmed. The animation looks almost ancient and the action scenes look so tired. There was nothing in there that sparked my adrenaline like a good fight usually does. Blah, maybe I'm just still pissed at Lucas for ruining Star Wars with the disappointing Episodes I, II, and III trilogy.

Also, the Clone Wars are just plain uninteresting and boring. I'm sick of those push-over droids and rolly-polly shield robots. I thought they were a bad design from the start, and unfortunately they stuck throughout the whole prequel trilogy.

Star Wars has lost it's charm as far as I'm concerned.