Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Lego Portal = Actually Awesome Nerdom

Coming right off the tail-end of my quick post involving the supremely geeky adventures of Lego Link is a little Lego project that just screams "awesome" for fans of Valve's Portal. Bravo to the lady, gentleman or Wookie over at the Brickshelf Gallery who constructed this little masterpiece. However, I do wish they would have at least put pink hearts on all sides of our best of friends, the Weighted Companion Cube.

"The cake is a lie."

1 comment:

Xenoslayer33 said...

Ahhh Portal... How you frustrated me and caused me to eat all of the numpad keys off of my keyboard. Still, this little tech demo was pretty much the most innovative thing to be released in all of 2007. And that's a big statement considering all of the amazing titles we got last year (including Bioshock). I'd like to see a video of this Lego remake.

By the way, I hear rumors of an actual full length Portal game in the works...