Thursday, April 10, 2008

Studio Ghibli's Little Nemo?

I just got done watching Porco Rosso, one of Studio Ghibli and Hayao Miyazaki's finest films and a personal favorite of mine. So, I'm kind of in the mood to talk about anime for a few. I'll pop in Tekkon Kinkreet as well, once I'm done with this and a bit of homework. But, back to Studio Ghibli, I had no idea that they were at one point involved in making a film based on Winsor McCay's Little Nemo. There was an adaptation made back in 1992 by American studio Hemdale and Japanese animation company TMS, which I absolutely adore. It has great animation, fun characters that I care about, and the story is surprisingly dark. But, I still wonder if Studio Ghibli's vision could have left that one in the dust if it'd have ever actually gone past the pre-production stage. The following short was directed by Yoshifumi Kondo, Hayao Miyazaki's chief animator on his film, Whisper of the Heart. Its main purpose was to serve as a test reel. Hard to believe that this is animation from back in 1984. But, I don't expect anything less from the tremendously talented staff at Studio Ghibli. Enjoy!

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