Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Halo Spec Script Complete

Word on the street is that the Halo movie is in fact back in productions. We've known about that for a couple of months now, but now we're hearing that there is an actual script out there written by GI Joe scribe, Stuart Beattie. Apparently, instead of just dropping us straight into the story of the first game, we'll be going with The Fall of Reach storyline first and then transition into the first Halo game for the second movie, with the last movie taking bits of Halo 3's story. We'll get the answers to many questions involving Master Chief's origins and the story is apparently very character-driven. Also, in a strange little twist, the Covenant don't show up until about halfway through the movie, to keep their appearance a mystery for non-Halo fans, all 3 of them. Unfortunately, it is unknown whether Neill Blomkamp or Peter Jackson are still going to fill their former duties and director and producer on the film. But, Halo is still set for release in 2009. We'll see how it turns out.

1 comment:

Xenoslayer33 said...

Hmmm... Well I'm not sure what to think. With Peter Jackson previously behind the project, I had the feeling that we might have had the chance of seeing a decent video game-based movie. Now with an apparently new director and producer, I will remain skeptical (as I always do).