Monday, May 19, 2008

Dragon Ball DS

That latest issue of Japanese video game publication, V-Jump, included a 2-page article for Bandai Namco's latest addition the their series of video games involving the world of Akira Toriyama's most popular work, Dragon Ball. Titled Dragon Ball DS, the game will be in full 3D, feature real-time 3D animated cutscenes and use the DS' touch screen to control Goku's attacks involving hand-to-hand martial arts combat, his Nyoibo/Power Pole and ki projectiles. The story will begin at the start of Goku's adventures, from when he first meets and teams up with Bulma to search for the legendary Dragon Balls. The controls appear to be based on those used in The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass. Dragon Ball DS is looking to be released in Japan later this Fall at a currently undisclosed date, with an American release still pending for the time being. More on this one as it develops. In the meantime, enjoy the scans from the latest issue of V-Jump.

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