Thursday, February 28, 2008

Indie game design at some of its finest.

If you were at GDC this year, you probably heard whispers of a crazy-looking little game that mixes a concept first iterated by Super Paper Mario for the Wii with a world of floating structures and a charming little albino creature sporting a red fez. I am talking about KOKOROMI's "Fez". In Fez you play the role of Gomez, a small creature who has lived his whole life in 2D only to discover that there's a great big world out there and guess what... its all in 3D. Fez has already been nominated for the "Design Innovation" and "Excellence in Audio" awards at this year's 10th Annual Independent Games Festival. Hopefully the guys and gals at KOKOROMI will get picked up by some larger developer and get to make a salary for what they're doing. I'd personally like to see them get funded to start their own company though. Gaze upon their excellence below:

You can visit their blog, KOKOROMI Collective, to get more in-depth and personal updates of Fez.

Or if you're interested in the other finalists at the 10th Annual Independent Games Festival, you can visit:

1 comment:

Xenoslayer33 said...

This is the first I'm hearing of "Fez".. Looks really cool actually, and the music just plain rocks! Reminds me of an indie game called "Cave Story" that was released as freeware, although without the 3D aspect.