Friday, March 14, 2008

Go, Speed Racer, GOOOOOOOO!!

Seriously, back in 1997, would you have watched reruns of an outdated 60s character who drives around with a monkey and and boy is his trunk? Or would you rather watch super warriors fly around at super-sonic speed, beat the crap out of each other, and above all; scream the name of whatever attack or transformation they were about to pull off? Being only 10 at the time and full of still developing testosterone, I picked the latter. I was ultimately disappointed later down the road by the time I turned 19 and had mixed piss and gasoline with my fully developed testosterone. So, now I'm glad I finally get the chance to make the hopefully better choice thanks to the Wachowski Bros. Honestly, I was never a fan of Speed Racer, but the more I see of this flick, the more I want. Not only does it seem to be staying true to the source material, but the technology being used to create all the images looks astounding. I still don't have any specific expectations for this one, but let's just hope it doesn't end up like the 2nd and 3rd Matrix. And where's my Bound sequel, you bastards? Check out the latest trailer for the Wachowski's Speed Racer below.

1 comment:

Xenoslayer33 said...

I'll be honest: I never was a big fan of Speed Racer. I thought the animation was very basic and repetitive, even for an animé. Although, I can't deny the impact the series had at the time it was popular, and my dad especially liked it growing up. With that said, I'm fairly excited for the movie. From the look of it, it seems very stylish. I like the colorful themes they are going with as it makes it more like the show. As long as they don't "kiddify" it too much (it looks awfully close to a "Spy Kids"-style disaster) then it should be a good flick. We'll see. I'm not getting my hopes up for this one, as I've already got my sights set on Iron Man, Hulk, Batman, and Wall-e.