Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Under My Skin

I first heard of Jun Matsui after watching the interviews on the special edition DVD for Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. Tetsuya Nomura, the film's director, creator of Kingdom Hearts and character designer for Final Fantasy VII, VIII, X and X-2, spoke very highly of Matsui, mentioning that he bought clothes from his shop, LUZ (stands for "Life Under Zen"). Being so impressed with Matsui's work as a clothing designer and discovering that he was also a professional tattoo artist prompted Nomura to ask his to design a tattoo for the character of Barret. Since hearing this great little story and seeing Matsui's great, but small amount of work on Barret also prompted me to seek out more of his work. I'm not big on seeing lots of tattoos on females, but this dude can draw some of the sexiest tattoos I've ever seen on women. I'm not talking the little kind that you put on your ankle or lower back, I'm talking the huge kind. Yet, he still somehow manages to make them all incredibly appealing. I suppose its his odd mixture of dark lines and shapes that seem almost Mayan-like in origin combined with the beautiful and tasteful way in which in he places them on their bodies. Take a look for yourself at his website and continue to give this guy the support and street cred he deserves:

As he says: "Every day is a good day."

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